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What's The Most Annoying Misconception About Emo Music?

It's not just tight jeans and thick eyeliner.

~Emo music~ encapsulates many styles, like screamo, pop-punk, punk, and even indie.

And as a fan of the genre, you probably hear a lot of comments and criticisms that get really old, really fast.

For example, perhaps you hate the misconception that fans of emo music are constantly sulking and cry every night.

Or maybe you’re tired of reminding people that most of the “nostalgic” bands are, in fact, still together.

Or, maybe you're sick of having to correct people when they call you "goth," which is a totally different ballpark. WTF?

So, tell us: What's the most annoying misconception about emo music?

Write your response in the comments below and you could be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!