23 Lessons All Former Babysitters Learned The Hard Way

    The best kind of wisdom is covered in crumbs.

    1. You have many skills you didn't realize you had before, like being a plumber.

    2. It's impossible to make everyone like you.

    3. "Alone time" doesn't exist when you're on the job.

    4. There are always opportunities to make a mess.

    5. In fact, there's really no point in keeping anything organized in the first place.

    6. Few things in life were made to stay nice forever.

    7. You can't stunt curiosity.

    8. Plenty of delicious things exist in the world. You just haven't tried them yet.

    Me: what happened to woodys arm? Kid: i bit it off #babysittingstruggles

    9. Sometimes, you have to fight battles on your own.

    10. Everyone's opinion of beauty is objective.

    11. And the definition of "fun" varies as well.

    12. Comfort is not promised.

    13. And good sportsmanship is vital.

    14. Listening to music will not always be the best part of your day.

    15. And watching Yo Gabba Gabba for five hours a day might end your love for television altogether.

    16. Silence is the best noise in the entire world.

    17. But not a single moment of calm is promised.

    I leave them alone for 2 minutes and this is what happens... #lmao #babysittingprobs

    18. Not everything will go as planned.

    Kamryn was picking flowers for her mom and she ended up with no flowers and 6 burrs in her hair. #babysittingprobs

    19. Some moments will terrify you.

    is this real life? #babysittingprobs

    20. Some of the scariest parts will soon become second nature.

    21. At the end of the day, you'll know all of your hard work was worth it.

    22. But you'll never understand everything.

    23. Because that would be impossible.

    This cannot be comfortable! #TiredKid #BabysittingProbs

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