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What's The Most Annoying Misconception About Country Music?

It's not all banjos and cowboy boots.

Country music is an extremely popular genre, with some seriously talented artists.

But people who aren't into country sometimes just don't ~get it,~ and make some really incorrect assumptions.

For example, maybe you've heard someone say country fans are all rednecks, which is not true at all.

Or possibly you've heard that country singers are just old white dudes with gray beards and cowboy hats. LOL, no.

Or perhaps you're sick of non-fans thinking country lyrics are boring or have no substance to them. Give it a chance, people!

So, here's your chance to defend the genre: Tell us the most annoying misconception about country music, to set the record straight.

Write your response in the dropbox below and you could be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!