24 Questions People With Natural Hair Are Tired Of Hearing

    Nope, still can't touch it.

    We asked the BuzzFeed Community to tell us the most ridiculous questions they get asked about their natural hair. Here are their responses:

    1. Can I stick a pencil in your hair and see if it will hold?

    2. Do you have to do your braids every morning?

    3. Did you know they make a chemical straightener for curly hair?

    4. Can you actually get a comb through it?

    5. Is that your real hair?

    6. Isn't your hair considered unprofessional?

    7. OMG your hair is short now, did you get a haircut?!

    8. How do you wash your hair?

    9. Or wait ...CAN you wash your hair?

    10. Wouldn't it be easier if you just straightened it?

    11. Do you wish you just had straight hair?

    12. Is that a weave?

    13. Well, why don't you just get a weave?

    14. Are you actually leaving the house like that?

    15. How does your hair keep changing?

    16. Wow, how did your hair grow so fast?

    17. ...Can it grow?

    18. How long does it take to curl your hair every day?

    19. Why is it called natural hair? Isn’t all hair natural?

    20. Is it a wig?

    21. It's so fluffy, do you even need a pillow at night?

    22. How did you get your hair to do that?!

    23. Why doesn't it move?

    24. CAN. I. TOUCH. IT?!

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