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    20 Supporters Of The Campaign To Free Mali

    All letters and pictorials courtesy of PETA. For more information, please visit their web site:

    1. The Catholic Church of the Philippines

    2. Dr. Dame Daphne Sheldrick

    "To separate an Elephant from others for life is immeasurably cruel and counter-productive to both the emotional and social wellbeing of the animal, with possible adverse physical damage as well. I therefore appeal, on behalf of Elephant Mali, who cannot speak for herself, to afford her access to others, and in so doing heal her lonely soul."

    3. Thousands of Metro Manila schoolchildren

    4. Yusuf Islam (aka "Cat Stevens")

    "Surely zoologists would understand the need of animals to be together and in natural habitats for which they were created. I hope the Zoo in Manila will do the right thing and let Mali free to enjoy her last years on earth in the company of other elephants."

    5. Ely Buendia

    6. Dr. Jane Goodall

    7. Nobel Laureate J.M. Coetzee

    8. World Society for the Protection of Animals

    "Elephants are some of the most socially developed mammals in the world. In the wild, females will roam in family herds of up to 20 members. These herds range over significant distances in forest habitat, foraging a varied diet of different leaves, brushes and fruits. It is not possible to provide adequate standards for such demanding animals in a zoo environment. Even within the zoo community it is increasingly understood that elephants' needs may only be met by a few high profile institutions that have the funding and capacity to create adequate large scale enclosures for big herds. Most major zoo associations recommend phasing out smaller elephant venues in favour for creating fewer but larger captive herds, allowing for more freedom and social interaction."

    9. Dingdong Dantes

    10. Humane Society International, and other members of the Asia for Animals Coalition

    "Elephants are social animals, and female elephants stay in their herds for their entire lives. Mali has not seen another elephant in more than three decades and the suffering that she endures on a daily basis is incomprehensible ... On behalf of our members globally we ask that you act in the interest of Mali and support her relocation to the elephant sanctuary in Thailand."

    11. Julia Butterfly

    12. Museo Pambata Foundation (children's museum)

    "It is through our experiences seeing the way that children learn that we can confidently state that the youth of our nation see things at face value. When children see a lonely elephant turning in circles in a barren environment, their first reaction will not be joy but a yearning to know why the animal is not in the jungle, where he or she belongs, and why that animal does not have any friends."

    13. Ornusa Cadness

    14. Father Shay Cullen

    "This is one [of] God's creatures and we have to show respect to all living things and our ecosystem and environment and all living creatures. Our own survival and quality of life. We too need to give quality of life to all of Gods animals. This is a important and urgent issue for many thousands of Filipinos. Please approve the transfer of this beautiful animal without delay."

    15. Sir Paul McCartney

    16. International Veterinary Society

    "On behalf of the International Veterinary Society and the United States Veterinary Education Association, we respectably petition your office to intercede in the transfer of the elephant "Mali" currently housed at the Manila Zoo to a sanctuary in Thailand who has agreed to accept Mali and provide the professional veterinary care she requires. The International Veterinary Society condemns the conditions of the Manila Zoo where Mali has been in captivity for the past 35 years."

    17. Kim Chiu

    18. Senator Loren Legarda

    "At present, Mali is in a barren enclosure at the Manila Zoo, where she endures solitary confinement and loneliness. It has been reported that Mali has also been suffering from foot illnesses, which, if left untreated, could lead to Mali's demise ... I urge the immediate transfer of Mali to a sanctuary, to ensure the animal's physical and psychological well-being."

    19. Pamela Anderson

    20. Imam Council of the Philippines

    "Just like humans, animals form complex social groups ... Female elephants spend their entire lives surrounded by others of their own kind in herds consisting of extended family members. … [M]any scientific studies have found that elephants who are kept in groups exhibit less stereotypical or repetitive behavior, indicating that they are less stressed. I look forward to the day when Mali will leave our nation and begin her journey on the path toward a better, happier, and more fulfilled life."