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    An All-American Hero Just Won The Gloucestershire Cheese-Rolling Race

    One man flew 4,600 miles to beat the British at their own insanely dangerous game. This is his story.

    Yesterday was the annual Cooper's Hill Cheese-Rolling and Wake.

    Not familiar with the tradition? Allow us to explain.

    People climb up a hill.

    A pretty steep one.

    A wheel of cheese is procured.

    It's taken to the top of the hill by the Cheese Master.

    The wheel of cheese is thrown down the hill. AND THEN EVERYONE CHASES AFTER IT.

    It's not for the faint of heart.

    It's definitely dangerous.

    But catch the cheese, and you're the winner!

    The reigning champion is Chris Anderson.

    View this video on YouTube

    This Maccabees music video is a tribute to his cheese chasing prowess.

    He's won the cheese no fewer than six times.

    A local hero.

    Concussion doesn't phase him.

    He's just unbeatably fast.

    But this year: NO CHRIS!

    The field was suddenly wide open.

    But, 4,644 miles away...

    In hilly (!) Colorado Springs...

    One man was already training.

    Meet Kenny Rackers.

    Football player.

    Ski guy.


    For Kenny, this race was about so much more than cheese.

    View this video on YouTube

    "I am training to be the first American to win the Cooper's Hill Cheese and Rolling Wake. My goal is to win the race... AND INSPIRE ONE MILLION PEOPLE."

    "This project is about encouraging others to pursue their dreams today."

    "It's about not letting yourself, others, or circumstances hold you back."

    "I Am The American Cheese Racer."

    "I am one in a million."

    Could Kenny do it? Was he all hat, and no cattle? All mouth, and no trousers? All flag... and no cheese?

    Game Day.

    And the biggest race of his life was underway.

    Like Buzz Lightyear, he didn't fly.

    But he fell with style.

    Watch his breathtaking performance in full:

    View this video on YouTube

    There's also a slightly less-dangerous but physically gruelling uphill race. Spoiler: Kenny wins that too!

    He staggers away...

    Claims his cheese...

    And declares VICTORY!

    This guy's inspired:

    And this chap, too:

    These guys, definitely:

    This girl, kinda:

    And, er... does this count?

    Well Kenny, we salute you. Come back next year...

    ...there's someone you've simply *got* to meet.