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    What Every Girl Should Know

    Young girls are filling their brain with lies to look "good"

    Young girls need to know they are doing damage

    Being a young girl in this society really can take a emotional and physical toll on you. When I was in middle school there was definitely pressure to be pretty, a size 0 and fit in but now a days it just seems society has taken it to the extreme. The funny part is being a size 0 isn't healthy, obsessing over what to wear each day isn't healthy. What you are doing to your body to look a certain way isn't healthy. Its all bad for you and that's where the young girls are blinded. Here are some facts that may change your mind about some things

    1. You think those models are really a size 0 with no cellulite? In most photos editors have edited it so that entire bellies have been cleaved off, breasts massively augmented, and serious wrinkles magically erased. Some of the models have lost what looks like at least 10 or 15 pounds, all through the instantaneous diet of the virtual X-acto knife. Magazines will continue to give you these doctored images, just as long as real humans keep falling short of their needs, and real readers keep buying the magazines.

    2. You want to be a size 0??? Lets take a look at some of those health damages you are causing your body,

    Infertility: Underweight women primarily have problems with their ability to stay fertile. In fact being underweight causes a disturbance in the hormones which leads to ovulatory dysfunction and thus infertility.

    Anemia: Because of a low food intake, underweight women could become anemic, thereby reducing the ability of their blood to carry oxygen to body cells. This can eventually lead to a variety of symptoms including fatigue, dizziness, pale complexion, reduced concentration and lethargy.

    Osteoporosis: The risk of osteoporosis is higher for underweight women because of less than optimal intake of calcium which results in lower bone density. This problem is more predominant in teenagers, because they are at a stage when they experience the maximum deposition of calcium in their bones. And being underweight might disrupt this mechanism, resulting in lower deposits of minerals in their bones thereby increasing the risk of developing osteoporosis.

    Amenorrhea (cessation of menstrual cycles): This is also more prevalent in underweight teens because they might have a disturbance in their hormones, a decrease in their fat deposits, combined with anxiety that might lead to loss of their menstrual cycle.

    SO...still want to loose that 20lbs you need to get to a size 0 instead of staying at a healthy weight?

    3. obsessing!

    When it comes to your daily routine what do you do exactly? Do you obsess over what to wear, what is going to catch that guys attention in study hall, what is the most expensive makeup you can buy to cover up that zit that will go away on its own without all that work.

    When us girls obsess over looks, magazines, what's new etc. we tend to loose sight of who we really are. We can start to become fake and this can cause us to mold into a plastic replica of every other young girl out there. Why not be unique? Why not be blessed by those curvy hips, that little zit on your nose TRUST ME, it'll go away. I think that being happy and living a longer life is more important in the long run than going and obsessing over that salad!

    I know this is so hard to really figure out and trust me 5 years ago I was in the same spot but being a 21 year old girl now still with flaws I choose to embrace them instead of hide them! And hey I am getting married and I couldn't be happier! I hope yall can find a great group of friends to only lift you up and not tear you down! When you start to loose who you are and try to mold your life will never turn out well! blessings!
