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19 People Who Just Fucking Went For It

They saw opportunities and they took them.

1. The person who really needed some toilet paper, stat.

2. The person who just couldn't resist.

3. The person who reported this error.

4. This woman's parents.

5. Terry.

6. This Infiniti owner.

7. The likely disgruntled milk packager who did this.

8. The LOTR fan who named this product.

9. And this company.

10. The genius who wrote this headline.

11. This master of the dad joke...

12. ...who can only be rivaled by this one.

13. The person who was just waiting for this opportunity.

14. The person who put out this warning.

15. This girl, who came up with the best roller derby name.

16. This opportunistic tea enthusiast.

17. The jerk who did this.

18. This smooth interviewer.

19. And finally, the person who is the hero the bathroom deserves.