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    14 Superbowl Problems For When You Don't Like Sports

    This is it: The weekend you (haven't) been waiting for. For most of the country, the big game is a celebration in sportsmanship, showboating, and salsa (mmm....salsa...). Yet, not everyone feels invited to the party. Here's 14 problems sports 'haters' deal with on game day.

    1. You've googled what '2nd Down' means.

    2. You ask things like "How many runs is a touchdown?"

    3. Wearing the wrong team hat to the game = PANDEMONIUM

    4. In fact, wearing any team cap is an open invitation to a conversation you're not equipped for

    5. It's been so long since you've heard the National Anthem that you forgot the words.

    6. It seems like every winter the nation gathers to upset your TV viewing habits

    7. And missing your favorite shows makes you want to scream your balls off!

    8. The irony is that you have a Buddhist-like zen around the concept of loosing.

    9. You probably only remember this guy for one reason...

    10. The upside is that the Superbowl means no reservations!

    11. ...and no one to dine with.

    12. If you do decide to watch the 'big game' at least there's the commercials...

    13. So quietly try to enjoy yourself; it's not like anyone cares about your opinions...

    14. Especially since all of your sports observations are about the mascot.