This Woman Is Trying To Reclaim The Saree In America, And It's Working


    This is Tanya Rawal, an adjunct professor at the University of California at Riverside. Rawal is Indian-American.

    Since September, 2015, Rawal has been Instagramming images of herself wearing sarees, using the hashtag #SareeNotSorry.

    "#SareeNotSorry started as a teaching experiment in September 2015," Rawal told BuzzFeed.

    She explained that she didn't expect much to come out of the project, but loves the fact that women are starting to embrace the saree.

    "We are attacked for looking like we don’t belong. And these attacks are justified with this idea that anyone brown is potentially a terrorist."

    Rawal stated that she's trying to kill hate by embracing the beauty of the saree.

    Since the movement started, a lot of people have been posting pictures of themselves in sarees, using the hashtag Rawal started.

    She also explained that it's actually really difficult to buy a saree in the U.S.

    "I’m Indian and American. I was trained in Indian classical dance. I grew up singing bhajans, but I also started listening to Tupac when I was 12."