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Modi Made A Sexist Remark About A Woman Politician, And Twitter Had The Perfect Response

"I am happy that Bangladesh Prime Minister, despite being a woman, has declared zero tolerance for terrorism," the Prime Minister said.

On June 8, Narendra Modi, praised Sheikh Hasina, the prime minister of Bangladesh, stating that she is courageous to fight terrorism "despite being a woman."

The hashtag #DespiteBeingAWoman quickly rose to the top trending topic in India.

As soon as the speech was made, many people started tweeting pictures of influential and powerful women:

The 2 strong PMs #DespiteBeingAWoman

#DespiteBeingAWoman and #12thPass Education Minister (HRD) of billion+ country

#DespiteBeingAWoman #DespiteBeingBlack The woman who stood up against discrimination by sitting down — Rosa Parks.

Several people have been tweeting sarcastic tweets as well:

Congrats to my friend Supriya, who had a baby girl. Great that she could cope with labour pains, #DespiteBeingAWoman.

#DespiteBeingAWoman I pay my own bills.

I know how to tweet :) #DespiteBeingAWoman

ok. off to work. after cooking sending kid to school to write big story and run errands. like every other woman i know #despitebeingawoman