Here Are 10 World Leaders Re-Imagined As Hipsters

    Mahatma Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln, Winston Churchill, all chillin' like villains.

    Amit Shimoni, a young Israeli designer, started HIPSTORY when he began looking at the differences between Israeli leaders of today and the past.

    Shimoni says that his creation process is like a game of "Ping-Pong" with reality.

    "I capture things that invoke thoughts and feelings within myself, and through my filters, I bring it into the physical world as a drawing. I hope that after going through my filters, the final outcome will light something in you, or at least give you something to contemplate about, but along with that, I hope you will simply see the beauty in them."

    Shimoni goes to explain that the response to the project was overwhelming, "I cant believe the reaction, it was amazing, young and old all were inspired. And they all had their own perspectives, everyone had something to connect with."

    After the success he had with Israeli leaders, Shimoni expanded to other illustrations depicting well known world leaders.

    "My favourite is probably Lincoln, after all he was my first, and he is the oldest. He is so detached from the hipster scene."

    He explained that his artwork is quite affordable, and he exhibits his work in small galleries and pubs, selling copies of the illustrations online.

    He also adds, "HIPSTORY wishes to reimagine the great leaders of modern history and to place them in a different time and culture - ours."