23 Signs From India That Are So Hilarious, They'll Brighten Your Day

    Challenge: Get through this post without laughing out loud or cringing.

    1. This unfortunate name for an architectural firm.

    2. This delicious non-veg treat.

    3. This important public service announcement.

    4. This exclusive to chutias branch in Ranchi.

    5. This foolproof business plan.

    6. This authentic Indian cuisine restaurant.

    7. This sign that just takes parking etiquette really seriously.

    8. This mobile repair shop that might help you out with your sex life too.

    9. This extremely dangerous area.

    10. This extremely appetizing restaurant name.

    11. This sign that will help cure all your rectal problems.

    12. These extremely stern entrance guidelines.

    13. This sign that very politely asks you to leave the forest alone.

    14. This warning not to disturb the people working "long and hard".

    15. This sign that doesn't have time for gender norms.

    16. This L.A.N. centre that lives in a world with 8-day work weeks.

    17. This sign that puts everything in perspective.

    18. This extremely sex-positive public restroom.

    19. This enthusiastic tiger safety warning.

    20. This strange consequence to shoplifting.

    21. This sign that proves all holidays can be a little volatile.

    22. This sign that only provides limited payment options.

    23. And of course, this sign that gives you something extra with your Biriyani.