After 3 Failed Marriages, A Woman Started A Photo Project That Questions Wedding Rituals

    Sapna Bhavnani married her tattoos, her cats, and the city of Bombay (amongst others).

    This is Sapna Bhavnani, a Mumbai-based hair stylist who’s been married and divorced three times.

    She recently told the story of her gang rape on Humans of Bombay.

    Four years ago, while in Berlin, Bhavnani wanted to try on a wedding dress but received judgment for the way she looked.

    “I was refused because of my shaved head and ink,” she told BuzzFeed. “The guy looked at me and simply said, “You’re getting married? Who the hell would marry you?”" After this, Bhavnani began questioning the rituals surrounding marriage and what they mean.

    "When you’ve already been married three times, this whole theory of "till death do us part” makes no sense," she told BuzzFeed. "Words like "forever", "infinite", "eternal", "permanent" describe the ink on your body better than the human standing in front of you at the altar."

    She decided to change the perceptions around marriage by getting married multiple times, to people and objects that she loves and respects. She worked with multiple stylists and photographers to catalogue her marriages in a photo project.

    She started out by marrying herself.

    She got married to her cat.

    She got married to Bombay.

    She got married to her ink.

    And she got married to her disappearing ink.

    She got married to her roots.

    She got married to a fan.

    And she got married to her BFF after he died.