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    23 Signs You're Probably Dating A Manchild

    Manchild: An annoying child living inside a grown-ass man's body.

    Here is the "manchild" in his natural habitat.

    1. His diet consists of the same food he ate 10 years ago.

    2. Better yet, he has no idea how to cook.

    3. Cleaning is a foreign concept to him.

    4. Someone else does his laundry.

    5. Video games are unreasonably important to him.

    6. When he gets sick, it is like the end of the world.

    7. He does not know how to manage his own finances.

    8. He refuses to go to the doctor or the dentist.

    9. He still sleeps until at least 2 p.m.

    10. He has not learned how to admit that he is wrong.

    11. He has no ambitions to be a responsible adult.

    12. There is one thing from his childhood that he refuses to let go of and still obsesses over.

    13. Instead of actually doing the dishes...

    He's totally cool with using paper plates for the rest of his life.

    14. He doesn't have a job.

    15. And he has absolutely ZERO ambition to get one.

    16. His parents still pay his bills — or even worse — give him an allowance.

    17. He hasn't learned to express his feelings.

    18. Which means he sure as hell doesn't know how to commit to your relationship fully.

    19. He still parties all the time.

    20. His wardrobe mainly consists of different band and cartoon t-shirts.

    21. And sneakers are really important. Like, lots of sneakers.

    22. He will flat out refuse to do things for himself, as if he is above that.

    23. He has no idea how to argue with other people.