18 Most Tired Election Day Trends On Instagram

    If Instagram users love two things, it's American flag stuff and showing off. Obviously an activity that combines both of those things — voting! — would lead to a big, big day for the social network.

    1. Putting your "I Voted" sticker on your duck-face lips.

    2. Or your cheeks.

    3. Or both your duck face mouth and your cheeks.

    4. There's also the "I Voted" forehead.

    Dogs are even being subjected to this sticker placement all over the country.

    5. Sharing a photo of your "I Voted" sticker on your boring outfit.

    6. Using election day to draw attention to your cleavage.

    7. Or heavage.

    8. Voting, or doing something else election-related, with duck face.

    9. Randomly associating the election with really, weirdly high heels.

    10. Photographing yourself bursting with joy for Election Day.

    11. Photographing yourself being a big blasé diva about Election Day.

    12. Statement, election-themed lipstick.

    13. Trying to look like Jackie O.

    14. Wearing a tee of one of the candidates.

    15. Self-portraits of one's own feet.

    Note: This is more easily excusable if you have awesomely dorky statement election socks.

    16. Wearing flag things, like tanks.


    Shiny stars.

    Full flag jumpsuits.

    Flag sweaters.

    Whatever garment this bra-exposing flag thing is.

    17. Or, just posing with flags.

    18. "Uncle Sam."