17 Struggles That Are All Too Real For Anyone Who Grew Up With Strict Parents

    "Oh, I didn't realize you were paying the electricity bills now!"

    1. When your parents would give you a never-ending list of questions before you were allowed to go out.

    2. One word: Curfew.

    3. When there were ANY members of the opposite sex over, your bedroom door was to remain open at all times.

    4. When you wanted to date, and your parents freaked out.

    5. When your parents constantly reminded you that those extracurricular activities you loved weren't cheap.

    6. When there was no point trying to avoid report card day, because it was pretty much engraved in your parents' calendar.

    7. When the rules were stricter for the girls, and your parents didn't even pretend that they weren't.

    8. When you couldn't do anything unless your homework and chores were done.

    9. When your room was never quite clean enough.

    10. When it was time for family dinner, and you were forced to eat every last bite on your plate...

    11. ...ESPECIALLY if your grandmother cooked it.

    12. When your friends' parents let you watch R-rated movies and you longed for that kind of life.

    13. When leaving the light on after leaving a room was a definite no-no.

    14. When you talked back to your mother and got SHUT DOWN.

    15. When your dreams of going to a sleepover were crushed.

    16. When the mere suggestion of going out to dinner on a week night was offensive.

    17. When you actually DID go to a restaurant, and you knew better than to misbehave in public.

    Even though they drove you crazy sometimes...

    ...deep down you knew they loved you more than anything.

    And no matter how old you get, you will always appreciate their love and support.