This Married Couple Had An Honest Discussion About Their Relationship And Their Very Real Age Difference

    "The thought of outliving you. That's really the only thing that terrifies me."

    Catherine and Melvin have been married for 10 years. In this open and honest conversation they speak very candidly about their age difference of almost 40 years and how it's affected their relationship with each other and with other people in their lives.

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    This video is part of the Emmy Award-winning series The And, created by The Skin Deep.

    First up, Melvin asks his wife, "What are your best memories, thus far?"

    Next up, things got a bit more intense when Melvin asked, "What's the most difficult lesson you've learned from being with me?"

    Things got a little more lighthearted when it was Catherine's turn to ask Melvin, "Am I the best sex you've ever had?"

    It was time to start talking about the very clear age difference between Catherine, who is now in her early thirties, and Melvin, who is in his seventies

    Turning the tables, Melvin asked, "What about our dynamic relationship terrifies you?"

    In the end, it's all about the love that these two share. Catherine asks, "Why do you love me?"