This Guy Used A Drone To Rescue Another Drone That Was Stuck On A Rooftop

    He basically fashioned a giant claw machine in the sky, and it's pretty awesome.

    After a drunk roommate lost Harrisen Howes' drone on a neighbor's rooftop, Harrisen brilliantly used a newer, bigger drone to rescue the smaller drone.

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    Harrisen Howes / Via

    Two months after his Syma X5C drone got lost on an unaccessible rooftop, Harrisen upgraded to a DJI Phantom 3 Professional drone and sent it on a rescue mission.

    Using coat hangers, Harrisen made a pair of hooks, turning his drone into a sort of flying claw machine!

    He found the drone, which had been up on that roof for two months!

    And the makeshift claw machine worked!!! Harrisen FTW!

    It's just a drone towing another drone in the sky, NBD.

    And both drones are home, safe and sound. Well done, sir!