21 Words You Won't Truly Understand Unless You're From Miami

    "Bro, driving home on the Palmetto tonight was such a mission!"

    1. Calle Ocho

    2. Gloria Estefan

    3. Eating shit

    4. Mission

    5. Palmetto

    6. Super

    7. Publix

    8. Central air conditioning

    BossLady J / Via vine.co

    What most people think it means: A luxury amenity for cooling the home on warm summer days.

    What people from Miami know it means: A necessity in order to live in the hot, humid, hellscape we call home year-round.

    9. Santa's

    10. Bro

    11. Pollo Tropical

    12. Humidity

    13. Winter

    14. Turn signals

    15. The South

    16. Sweat

    17. Freezing

    18. Spanglish


    What most people think it means: A mixture of Spanish and English.

    What people from Miami know it means: Pero, like, the official language de Miami. Ay, que cute!

    19. South Beach

    20. Florida

    21. 305