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    Small Man In A Huge World: 15 Absolutelly Stunning Instagram Pictures From Iceland, Which Will Take Your Breath Away

    In August 2012 I traveled to Iceland for a week and fell in love with its beautiful nature. I've decided to create a project, which will show the greateness of Icelandic landscape. Nowhere else but in this Northern country, one can feel so small in comparison to the huge world around.

    1. Seljalandsfoss waterfall

    2. On the road by the black beach


    4. Eyjafjallajökull glacier



    7. Vík í Mýrdal beach


    9. Alien planet (Northern Iceland)

    10. Prometheus opening scence (Dettifoss waterfall)

    11. Dyrhólaey, Souther Iceland


    13. Framed (Dimmuborgir lava fields, Northern Iceland)

    14. Jökulsárlón (Glacial river lagoon)

    15. Hverfjall (Northern iceland, Mývat lake area)