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21 People Who Have Totally Missed The Point

Hello? McFly?!?

1. This promiscuous highlighter.

2. This mouthwash marketer.

3. This potentially illiterate Fitzergald fan.

Nobody tell this guy how the book ends

4. This diner chef.

5. Whoever named this company.

6. This highly confused treadmill.

7. These dog owners.

I think you've missed the point of taking your dog for a walk.

8. These "secret" muffins.

Hmmm... I think Morrisons are missing the point! #notsosecret

9. This dog.

10. And his pal.

11. Whoever wrote this Tron summary.

12. The creator of this "game."

13. This questionably-named dumpling company.

14. This drive-thru ATM user.

15. The person who installed this bathroom divider.

16. This reader with tunnelvision.

17. Whoever classified this "breaking news."

18. This inexperienced Swiss Army Knife user.

19. Whoever designed the pathway to this restroom for the disabled.

20. This guy, who is definitely, totally incognito.

21. This braggart, ballin' on a budget.