17 Crippling Struggles Every Allergy Sufferer Knows To Be True

    Why does my body hate me?

    1. First off, "seasonal" allergies is a bullshit term.

    2. On bad days, your nose will be red and raw from all the blowing.

    3. On really bad days, you can't even leave the house.

    4. You're afraid of windy days.

    5. And lavender (or any ultra-fragrant fragrances, really).

    6. You live for rainy days because you'll actually be able to go outside.

    7. When people tell you that they feel lucky they don't have allergies.

    8. When you forget to take your allergy pill.

    9. When you take your allergy pill too late in the day.

    10. You've drowsily slogged through days because Benadryl was the only thing that would work.

    11. Sinus headaches.

    12. That turn into sinus infections.

    13. As much as you want to really enjoy the outdoors, you physically can't.

    14. And in general, allergies are stopping you from enjoying things.

    15. Like dogs.

    16. And cats.

    17. And maybe more than anything else, you dream of getting allergy shots to just end it all.