This Guy's Face Accidentally Became A Meme For Sarcasm And It's Glorious

    Meet Kappa, the sarcastic Twitch meme and your new frenemy.

    Meet Kappa.

    Kappa is an emote used on Twitch, a streaming platform where gamers gather to broadcast their gameplay to millions of viewers.

    Kappa is just one out of thousands of emotes on Twitch.

    But no other Twitch emote has transcended into the Pantheon of Memes quite like Kappa.

    Because Kappa allows the Internet gaming community to express a long-desired and elusive emotion: sarcasm.

    Kappa, by definition of the Internet, has become associated with "sarcasm" and "trolling."

    No one really knows why Kappa was chosen to be imbued with this power of sarcasm.

    But it's reached the point where, not only has his iconic gray face become synonymous with Internet sarcasm, but the actual word "Kappa" is understood in the same way.

    Oh, this is WAY better than a free trip to Universal Studios. #Kappa

    For all intents and purposes, "Kappa" has entered the lexicon of the Internet gaming community.

    When you accidentally say "kappa" to your aunt and she's like....wat

    My mom is complaining that I'm not tweeting enough. Does this count? #Kappa

    Constantly sneezing at work today. Clearly this means I'm allergic to my job & must be sent home. Medicine is family, food & alcohol #kappa

    So I just decided that #religion is the biggest troll ever. #Kappa

    Can't believe america is 2015 years old #kappa

    Moving is fun. Especially during the summer. #kappa

    Kappa is also used when you feel you are being wronged — as if the universe decided to troll you.

    I'm glad that no matter how many times I tell Twitter its "while you were away" feature was not useful it keeps coming back. #Kappa

    WebMD told me I have a sprained wrist. #Kappa

    Basically, Kappa describes the most basic and essential emotions perpetuated and/or created by the Internet.

    View this video on YouTube

    The two faces of Kappa allows us to ill our grievances and grieve others. Isn't that what the Internet was originally created for anyway?

    So now you know Kappa.

    Next step: emoji keyboard domination.