These Magical Pictures Will Make You Want To Move To Canberra

    Balloons + Mist = Magic

    The Canberra Balloon Spectacular is in full flight, with 45 hot air balloons from all over the world sent soaring over the nation's capital.

    Each day from today until March 15, a convoy of balloons will fire up and take off from the lawns of Old Parliament House.

    The city was shrouded in fog before sunrise Monday morning..

    ...But that only added to the pre-dawn magic.

    It was nice to get a shot with some fog in with some balloons. #cbr #balloonspectacular

    The fog rolled in on #balloonspectacular and turned the lake into a giant painting. What a great canvas. @EventsACT

    And they are off. Set to be a cracker of a sunrise #balloonspectacular #lovecanberra

    #balloonspectacular #cbr (I'm a bit obsessed with the balloons)

    Eventually, the sun rose and the fog faded away to reveal a crystal clear blue sky.

    Good morning and Happy #CanberraDay! #balloonspectacular #canberra #cbr @EventsACT @australia @visitcanberra

    Some people were lucky enough to catch the balloons as they rose from the water on Lake Burley Griffin.

    Chasing balloons in #canberra #balloonspectacular short video #lovelbg #CBR what a morning

    Just hanging out on kayaks, watching balloons gently float over a perfect sunrise. Canberra knows how to do Monday RIGHT.

    Meanwhile, in Sydney..

    Continue to allow extra travel time from the city due to a train mechanical issue at St James. More info:

    Trapped on a crowded train that's not moving with a flickering light just kill me now tbh.

    Yeah.. Let's go back to Canberra. Can you spot the Star Wars character?

    They don't call it a #balloonspectacular for nothing! #cbr

    How about now?

    Hmmm. A balloon, I have become. When 900 cubic feet you reach, look this good you will not. #yoda

    This picture looks like Yoda and the red bird just had a massive argument and Yoda said something he regrets.

    #Yoda and the #AngryBird #VisitCanberra this March #BalloonSpectacular #CBR #31Days

    And far away in the distance, a princess sits alone atop the tallest (Telstra) tower in the land.

    It's enough to just make you want to float up, up and away...

    And live happily ever after... In Canberra.