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Is The Tax On Tampons Sexist?

"Unwanted monthly subscription to Lucifer's waterfall shouldn't be taxed."

Women. There are some things they just can't stop doing. Buying shoes, crying in movies, having pillow fights, and menstruating every month.

And every time an Australian woman gets her period, she pops down to the shop to get tampons, where she is charged an extra 10% tax by the government.

Why? Because under the GST classifications, tampons and pads are not classified as "health goods".

Even though products like condoms, lubricant, nicotine patches, and sunscreen are – and are therefore exempt from the tax.

Weirdly, incontinence pads are exempt from the GST but sanitary pads are not.

So student activist Subeta Vimalarajah has started a petition addressed to Joe Hockey to remove the tampon tax in the upcoming review of the GST.

"Since 2000, the Australian Government has taxed every menstruating Australian 10% every time we get our period. It is estimated that our periods earn the government a whopping $25 million each year," she writes on the petition page.

"People who get periods don't buy pads and tampons for pleasure, so why are we forced to fork out an extra 10% every 2, 3, 4 weeks? Taxing Australians for getting their period isn't just sexist, it's fundamentally unfair!"

Subeta says many Australians have no idea that there's a GST on sanitary products.

The issue has been surrounded by controversy ever since then-prime minister John Howard introduced the GST in 2000.