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11 Things White People Say At Yum Cha

"Um... Can I have a Coke?"

White people love the shit out of yum cha.

1. "Can we get some spring rolls?"

2. "Um, do you have any pork buns? No, um...pork buns? Pork bun?"

3. "Excuse me, can we please get some drinks?"

4. "Hi, could I order a Coke please? How many of you want a Coke? One, two...five cokes please."

5. "Ooh you know what I love? That barbequed pork. The pink one."

6. "Can I have a fork?"

7. "I don't think the trolley lady likes me."

8. "Have you seen any of those green veggies go around? You know, with the sauce?"

9. "Can we get some more dumplings please?"

10. "Hey, is this chicken feet?"

11. "Wow! Only 25 bucks each!"

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