How Likely Are You To Be Struck By A Meteorite, Really?

    A man in India was apparently killed when a possible meteorite fell directly on him. What are the chances that this could happen to you?

    An Indian bus driver was killed over the weekend in an explosion that local officials are blaming on a meteorite.

    Exactly how unlikely would it be for YOU to get struck by a meteorite? We asked around and got some answers:

    According to meteorite expert Peter Brown, one human on this planet will be struck by a meteorite 200 grams (~0.4 pounds) or larger about once every seven or so years.

    That might sound shockingly high, but Brown said many people might not even notice if they are hit with a small meteorite.

    Taking this as a rough estimate, a human living an average lifespan today (71 years) would be alive for about 10 human-meteorite strikes.

    So you would have a 1 in 700 million chance of being struck (but not necessarily killed) by a 200g or larger meteorite, assuming 7 billion people worldwide.

    For comparison, the odds of winning the recent record-breaking Powerball jackpot were 1 in 292 million. And the odds of being struck by lightning in your lifetime are around 1 in 12,000.

    "In terms of actually being hit by a meteorite," Brown said, "the danger to people in general is trivial."