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    Finals Week Countdown To Meltdown. Michigan State Style

    I had the divine pleasure of watching a MSU student have a mental breakdown in a lecture hall before one of my classes.

    It started off as an innocent tiff between teacher and student...

    The Prof then tried to explain how he emails if there are complications in assignments.

    She argues that she missed class due to a doctors appointment.

    Just wanted to add that he was looking darn good for an older gentleman. She...not so much.

    Grandfather Prof becomes embarrassed.

    The walk of shame...

    Emotions get thrown into the mix

    This is escalating quickly

    I feel like I am on an episode of Total Diva's

    Things finally simmer down

    The Prof scurries in to gather his books and leave.

    Moral of the story! If you miss class, send an excuse on time/before you miss! Never yell as it gets you nowhere. Always be kind to sweet old men.