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    102 Thoughts You Have While Cleaning Out Your Closet

    ::Channels inner Eminem and cleans out closet:: Not like that, though.

    1. I can't go shopping anymore until I clean out this messy closet.

    2. It won't be that bad.

    3. Let me just grab a bag to put all of the things I don't want in.

    4. This should be big enough; I can usually fit a bunch of groceries in this one.

    5. OK, let's attack this thing.

    6. Ugh, I can't slide the door open.

    7. Uggggghhhhhhh.

    8. Maybe something's stuck?

    9. Oh, it's my senior prom dress. That I wore a million years ago. Cool.

    10. Holy moley I have really let this closet go.

    11. How has it gotten this bad?!

    12. Why isn't anything folded?!

    13. What is that smell?

    14. I'm gonna need a bigger bag.

    15. Ok, I guess I'll start with all of this crap on the floor.

    16. OMG I haven't seen this skirt in months!

    17. Maybe I should make a "keep" pile and a "giveaway pile" so I don't waste time folding the stuff I don't want.

    18. I am gonna need more hangers, I can already tell.

    19. Geeeeeeez, this sweater is from, like, 2002.

    20. Totally giving that away.

    21. But wait, maybe it still fits.

    22. Aww, it kind of fits.

    23. So many memories.

    24. I'll keep it just in case.

    25. Ugh, no, stop, you never wear it.

    26. Good-bye, sweater.

    27. I really need to be diligent with the stuff that I'm keeping.

    28. Awww, my tutu from my last college Halloween costume!

    29. I need this to stay in my life.

    30. When will I wear a tutu again?

    31. Ugh, I won't, will I?

    32. This is so hard.

    33. I hate change.

    34. Ew, why the eff did I buy these pants? They're so gross.

    35. No wonder they've been on the floor for who knows how long.

    36. The giveaway pile is looking so big.

    37. Why did I spend money on all of that stuff.

    38. I have buyer's remorse.

    39. Maybe I'll just keep it all and make an effort to wear the stuff I don't.

    40. But I want to shop.

    41. Never mind, proceeding with the giving away.

    42. OK, I can see the floor now.

    43. Onto these hangers.

    44. I guess I'll just take everything out all at once.

    45. How many sweaters did I fit on this one plastic hanger?!

    46. Seven?!

    47. Wow, I'm proud of me.

    48. I can't keep all of them though.

    49. Why do I keep buying gray sweaters?

    50. Shoot, I just broke the hanger.

    51. I'm starting to run out of hangers, gotta give some more stuff away.

    52. Ok, I'm only keeping three of these denim shirts, they all look the same anyways.

    53. Oooh, but this wash is ~slightly~ different.

    54. These decisions are really taking a toll on me.

    55. Hmm, should I color-code or organize by category?

    56. This is tough.

    57. Actually, everything I own is grey and black, so I guess by color wouldn't help.

    58. Ohmygosh, it's filling back up again so quickly!

    59. The whole point of this was so that I could go shopping!

    60. Maybe I should get skinnier hangers so it creates the illusion of a thinner wardrobe.

    61. I am so brilliant.

    62. To Target I go!

    63. OK, obviously I got more than hangers, but let's get back to this.

    64. Now I guess I can make sure that everything's facing the same way.

    65. Oooh, these hangers are soft.

    66. So much more room, yes.

    67. OK, this top shelf has been haunting me the whole time.

    68. Wow, literally nothing is folded up here.

    69. AVALANCHE!

    70. Whoa, that was intense!

    71. Shit, I have so much shit.

    72. I need everything on this shelf to be folded neatly.

    73. The mayhem began when I started chucking stuff up there.

    74. Ew this sweatshirt smells like moth balls.

    75. I think I have identified the odor from two hours ago.

    76. You can go straight into the garbage.

    77. Aww, my aunt got me these sweatpants back when cutting up the inner seam to your knees was cool.

    78. Why was that cool?

    79. Fashion is weird.

    80. Garbage.

    81. I'm doing such a great job!

    82. This is actually kind of therapeutic.

    83. I'm so happy!

    84. All right, almost finished.

    85. I just have to hang the rest of this stuff and then fold my jeans.

    86. Let's look at these.

    87. OMG bellbottoms.

    88. What the actual hell?

    89. When is the last time I seriously cleaned this thing out?!

    90. None of these jeans even fit me anymore, why do I keep them?

    91. I could have made so many denim bags out of these in the '90s.

    92. Shame.

    93. I'm giving all of these away.

    94. I only need a black pair and a blue pair, I never wash them anyways.

    95. Sorry not sorry.

    96. OK, I think I'm done.

    97. Wow.

    98. It's so clean.

    99. Wow.

    100. I give myself three days until this reverts back to overflowing fashion vomit.

    101. Ah well.

    102. Shopping time!