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    Why Visual Marketing Generates Greater Engagement In Social Media?

    In the article you will find proven facts why visual marketing generates greater engagement in social media networks.

    It is scientifically proven that 90% of the information that humans can remember has to do with visual stimulation, so under this premise is logical to think that a visual digital marketing strategy will result in greater engagement than one that does not contain attractive images.

    These data demonstrate that hard through the images may be more successful in social media campaigns, as strategies that emphasize the photographs fail, usually due to greater engagement the following:

    Generate more visits. Add a graphic or visual element attracts the attention of the user, other content based solely on text, so in every post you must add an attractive image, as this differentiates between other media and brands. Companies get most visited are those who know apart from the rest.

    Are shared and get more referral traffic. All popular Internet sites have something in common: they feed on a huge reference traffic. This is because visual content is shared more easily than texts: computer graphics, posters and memes, to name a few, making it to spread rapidly through the network. The end result is more clicks and impressions to our brand through the referral traffic.

    Influence emotions. Now there is talk of emotional engagement, so the images can influence mood, the use of one or another image, video or graphics may cause a particular emotional response. If we create an appropriate visual marketing campaign, we can even influence purchasing decisions of users.

    They encourage audience response. The publications included visuals get more and better responses of the target audience. It is proven that 40% of online users are more likely to share and discuss visual content than others based solely on text.