Rob Ford Posed With This Guy So He Could Show Off His 60-Pound Weight Loss

    Toronto resident Matthew Wong — aka redditor _M4TTH3W_ — has created the "Rob Ford Scale".

    So, here's Matthew Wong with Rob Ford in July 2013.

    And here's Matthew with Rob Ford on April 7 this year.

    Counting calories was how I started, losing weight really comes down to burning more calories than you consume. Since healthy food has a better quantity to calorie ratio I started eating better and exercise was a way to ensure that I was burning more calories.Early into changing my habits around the woman I was involved with left me. I focused on myself and really committed to sticking with my routine and working out my frustration at the gym, it helped a lot. I stayed sane and I didn't fall off the wagon. It would have completely broken my heart if I hadn't been doing all the cardio.