17 Ed Miliband Reactions That Perfectly Capture Your Struggle

    He gets you. He really gets you.

    1. When the waiter's just asked if you've ever been to Nando's before.

    2. When you tried to sneak out a fart and it went wrong.

    3. When one of the crew is boring on about the new Star Wars film.

    4. Eight pints in and going strong.

    5. When the teacher's sent you out for something your mate did.

    6. When there's going to be a rumble with some nobbers from the school up the road and you're trying not to sound scared.


    7. When your bars are too sick.

    8. When mum's left you home alone for three hours and it's time to stimulate the private sector.

    9. When the weed is too loud.

    10. When you're at the match and the oppo fans are giving it all that.

    11. When you see a 10/10 in the club.


    12. When you're making it rain but you're trying to be low-key.

    13. When you're on the prowl for some side gal.

    14. When you're telling your girlfriend's dad you've just flooded the bog.

    15. When this happens.

    when u try to talk to girls in the club but they're with their squad

    16. When booty got you like –

    17. When you're telling Dave where to stick his policy.