Bryan Adams Has Taken Some Incredibly Powerful Pictures Of Wounded British Soldiers

    The Canadian rock star’s pictures will be displayed at Somerset House from 12 November to January 2015 and are also published in a book: Wounded: The Legacy of War.

    In "Wounded: The Legacy of War", Bryan Adams says he hopes to inspire a "sense of reflection".

    You might not know that the man behind songs like "Summer of '69" is also a respected photographer.

    According to the Independent, this project came about after he was approached by ITN journalist Caroline Froggatt in 2008.

    The photographs will also be available in a book.

    There has been a huge number of injuries due to IEDs (Improvised Explosive Devices) in both Iraq and Afghanistan.

    The project had a special significance for Adams – he and his brother were the first offspring in many generations not to serve in the military.

    He told the Telegraph: "There is too much suffering for families and children. The repercussions of these wars are going to be felt for decades.”