Here Are Some Menus By People Preparing For The End Of The World

    Millions of people expect society to crumble and civilisation as we know it to end. Henry Hargreaves asked some of them how they'd eat and he was "surprised by the brilliance in their approach".

    In his artistic statement, sent by email, New Zealand-based photographer Henry Hargreaves writes: "In the U.S. alone there are over three million people preparing for the end of time. [These people are] known as Doomsday Preppers."

    "I connected with some of them to discuss their Armageddon menus."

    "They are designed around their religious beliefs, lifestyles, location, health and what they think will work on the heels of the disaster they predict."

    "Initially I expected this to be a rather sensational series but as I spoke to some of the subjects I actually was surprised by the brilliance in their approach."

    "They have been able to stand back and see the whole food system from afar and realize in any kind of disaster the food distribution chain is the first thing to break."

    "They don't want to be left vulnerable, if and when it does…"

    "Through their choices of these foods I think their personal story comes to life."

    This isn't the first photo set Hargreaves has done on food – he recently did a TED talk about who we can relate to outsiders through their food choices. Below are two more of his works about people's diets.