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    21 Words That Have Totally Different Meanings For Recent College Grads

    Oh, you want my "résumé"? You mean this handy document containing every single one of my life's failures? Coming right up.

    1. "Résumé"

    2. "Parents"

    3. "Homework"

    4. "Job"

    5. "Furniture"

    6. "Dining hall"

    7. "Commute"

    8. "Internship"

    9. "Freshmen"

    10. "Date"

    11. "Top Ramen"

    12. "Career"

    13. "401k"

    14. "Happy hour"

    15. "Grades"

    16. "Party"

    17. "Apartment"

    18. "Free food"

    19. "Business-casual" (aka "biz-cazjh")

    20. "Bed"

    21. "Friends"

    What it usually means: Your people, who have your back no matter what and will listen to you bitch about all of the above and who will help you get through this weird, messy, wonderful time.

    What it actually means: Your people, who have your back no matter what and will listen to you bitch about all of the above and who will help you get through this weird, messy, wonderful time.