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    21 Ways To Make This New Year's Eve So Much Better

    Whether you're hosting a party or hitting up someone else's, ring in 2014 the right way.

    1. Drink out of countdown champagne flutes.

    2. Count down by popping balloons every hour.

    3. Or count down with cookies.

    4. Line your trash can with three or four bags to make cleanup a snap.

    5. Avoid life-ending embarrassment with the Drunk Text Savior app.

    6. It's probably not wise to get an actual 2014! tattoo, so celebrate with temp tats instead.

    7. Use leftover holiday gift wrap to make decorations.

    8. If ever there were a time to try cotton candy champagne, it's New Year's.

    9. Open a bottle of champagne with a towel if you don't want the cork flying everywhere.

    10. Keep bottles cold with an ice mold.

    11. Or make ice shot glasses.

    12. DId you know you can make CHAMPAGNE POPSICLES??


    14. Tonic water makes drinks glow under a black light.

    15. Stain sugar cubes with liquer and drop them in fizzy drinks.

    16. Rim kids' (or adults') drinking glasses with sprinkles.

    17. Have everyone write their resolutions on a chalkboard or piece of paper.

    18. Let Kanye dictate your resolutions.

    19. Have a resolution photo booth.

    20. In order to make your resolutions stick, change your passwords to them.

    21. In some states, AAA helps provide rides and towing services to people who have been drinking.