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    29 Unmistakably Phallic Design Fails

    These designers really blew it.

    1. This swimming pool.

    2. This motel sign.

    3. This building.

    4. This window.

    5. And this one.

    6. This Pokémon.

    7. This tableau at UT Austin.

    8. This teeny sweater.

    9. This bannister.

    10. This neti-pot.

    11. This chip-clip.

    12. This cemetery.

    13. And this headstone.

    14. This family-friendly water park attraction.

    15. This stunning crystal chandelier.

    16. This old-timey screw.

    17. This well-mowed patch of grass.

    18. This balloon sculpture.

    19. This slide, for children.

    20. This hat about fly-fishing.

    21. This mountain resort.

    22. This dog toy.

    23. This elegant diamond ring stand.

    24. This chocolate Santa.

    25. Whatever this is.

    26. This Minecraft plush toy.

    27. This truly unfortunate paperclip.

    28. This McDonald's sign.

    29. This skirt.