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    15 Things You Should Never Say To A Crafter

    Best not to piss off anyone wielding a hot glue gun.

    1. "Wow, you must save so much money."

    2. "I borrowed your scissors to trim my bangs."

    3. "Will you knit me a sweater? I'll buy you a drink!"

    4. "You're so *domestic.*"

    5. "Take my garbage, I'm sure you can make something cute out of it."

    6. This.

    7. "You know, you could have just bought that from Anthropologie."

    8. "It can't hurt THAT badly."

    9. "Can you fix this rip? And that tear? And reattach these zippers? And also this dress doesn't fit right in the waist, want to take a look at that too?"

    10. "That doesn't look like the Pinterest pin."

    11. "Oops, sorry, I left that gift you made me in a cab. My bad!!"

    12. "Aww, you're just like my grandma!"

    13. "Could you clean up your supplies? Like, now?"

    14. "You've been working on that forever. Are you ever going to finish?"

    15. "Where's the Modge Podge?"