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    Being Sick As A Kid Vs. Being Sick As An Adult

    "Can someone please Seamless me some soup?"

    As a kid: You'd wake up with a tickle in your throat, a flush to your face, and the sneaking sensation that YOU MIGHT GET TO SKIP SCHOOL.

    As an adult: You wake up feeling like death and it's the worst thing that could possibly happen to you.

    As a kid: Someone was there to take care of you.

    As an adult: You're cripplingly lonely.

    Or else completely grossing out your roommate/benevolent friend/significant other.

    As a kid: Your friends understood if you had to reschedule a playdate.

    As an adult: Your friends do not understand one bit.

    As a kid: Going to the doctor sucked, but at least you had someone to drive you and wait with you and also there were lollipops.

    As an adult: Going to the doctor is an expensive, difficult, time-consuming pain in the ass.

    As a kid: You relished the time you got to spend by yourself, an oasis away from the drudgeries of school.

    As an adult: You'll take any comfort or human contact whatsoever.

    As a kid: Medicine was the grossest thing imaginable.

    As an adult: You'll take anything that promises to momentarily ease the marching band that's taken over your head.

    As a kid: Your deepest sick-day fear was throwing up everywhere.

    As an adult: Your deepest sick-day fear is realizing the extent of human frailty and coming face-to-face with your own mortality.

    As a kid: You were totally melodramatic.

    As an adult: You're totally melodramatic.

    But don't worry...