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    31 Unusual Gifts To Give A Design Lover

    Because even the most hard-to-shop-for people deserve to be shopped for.

    1. Magnetic Bottle Opener

    2. Maze Ashtray

    3. Temporary Tattoos

    4. Typeface Flowchart

    5. Wall-Mounted Fish Bowl

    6. Initial Earrings

    7. Bubble Wrap Calendar

    8. Color Wheel Umbrella

    9. Sleek Humidifier

    10. Soap Stones

    11. Highlighter Pencils

    12. Eraser Brush

    13. Geometric Vases

    14. Soma Water Filter

    15. Typography Scrabble

    16. Paper Watch

    17. Rorschach Mug

    18. Cube Clock

    19. Standing Knife

    20. Nesting Kitchen Tools

    21. "HAUS" Doormat

    22. Stick Lighter

    23. Bracket Bookends

    24. Card Speaker

    25. Typography Mug

    26. Steel Shaker Set

    27. Numberclips

    28. Business Card Stamp Keychain

    29. Kaleidoscopic Trays

    30. Major Scale Wine Glass

    31. The Canine Alphabet