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    How To Celebrate Christmas In July The Way It Deserves To Be Celebrated

    Time for an eggnog piña colada or seven.

    1. Get in the Half Christmas spirit.


    2. Sandman > snowman.

    3. Candy cane pool noodles > boring regular pool noodles.

    4. Water balloons > snowballs.

    5. Or invest in a pack of anytime snowballs.

    6. Whip up a batch of eggnog-coladas.

    7. And some peppermint s'mores.

    8. And some in-season strawberry Santas.

    9. Half a Christmas = half a tree.

    10. Send cards to your loved ones.

    11. Dress for the occasion.


    13. Mistletoe that will never die results in maximum making out.

    14. Make beachy ornaments.

    15. Take advantage of all the sales.

    16. It's so much easier to gift wrap a car when you're not slogging through three feet of snow.

    17. Reindeer-ify your ice-cold beer.

    18. And your dog.