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    21 Easy Hair And Makeup Ideas For Halloween

    With nothing but the contents of your bathroom and the outer limits of your ~imagination~, you can have a costume in no time.

    1. Deer Makeup

    2. Pop Art Makeup

    3. Edward Scissorhands Hair and Makeup

    4. Daenerys Targaryen Hair

    5. Greyscale Hair and Makeup

    6. Flapper Hair

    7. Fox Makeup

    8. Medusa Hair

    9. Medusa Look for Natural Hair

    10. Toy Soldier Makeup

    11. Lion Makeup

    12. Walter White Makeup

    13. Werewolf Makeup

    14. Zombie Makeup

    15. Cheshire Cat Makeup

    16. Porcelain Doll Makeup

    17. Long-Hair-into-Short-Hair

    18. Eye-Lips

    19. Gaping Wound Makeup

    20. Sally from The Nightmare Before Christmas Makeup

    21. Lucille Ball Hair

    And if you're feeling really high level...