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    27 Gifts Every Book Lover Should Ask For This Year

    In addition to all the books, of course.

    1. The perfect home for your flask.

    2. A waterproof book cover.

    3. A candle that smells like old books.

    4. This mug showcasing the famous cats of literature.

    5. Pillows shaped like old classics.

    So when you fall asleep after reading all night, at least you'll be comfy.

    6. A Quidditch beer pong set.

    7. Banned books socks.

    8. An iPhone case that looks like a leather-bound book.

    9. A library due date scarf.

    10. Bracket-shaped bookends.

    11. A phone case that looks like a library card.

    12. Decals that will transform your stairs into a stack of books.

    13. Matchboxes that look like banned books.

    14. Falling bookends!!!!!

    15. A bookmark that looks like a save screen.

    16. A shirt made up of the complete text of your favorite book.

    17. A decal that will transform your Macbook into The Giving Tree.

    18. This sweatshirt that gives The Fault In Our Stars a much-needed update.

    19. Shakespeare cookie cutters.

    20. A Poe-ka dot tote.

    21. A Goodnight, Moon baby onesie.

    22. Or this highly threatening one.

    23. A Harry Potter-inspired clock.

    24. A Pemberley pennant.

    25. This weird but wonderful book-shaped light.

    26. Penguin Library wallpaper.

    27. Literary temporary tattoos.