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    27 Incredibly Easy Ways To Spring Clean (No Matter How Much Time You Have)

    Whether you've got five minutes or a whole day, you can totally put your life in order.

    1. If you have a few minutes: Create a donation box/basket/bin for your room.

    2. If you have half an hour-ish: Clean your room, rather than just straighten up.

    3. If you have hours: Rearrange your bedroom furniture.

    4. If you have a few minutes: Play the Kitchen Game.

    5. If you have half an hour-ish: Use fridge mats to make future cleaning a breeze.

    6. If you have hours: Clean your oven without chemicals overnight.

    7. If you have a few minutes: Move an overwhelming desktop into its own folder so you have a zen-like space.

    8. If you have half an hour-ish: Clean your keyboard thoroughly.

    9. If you have hours*: Sort your inbox by "From" to make deleting unwanted email so much easier. Then delete away.

    10. If you have a few minutes: Throw out anything in your makeup bag that's expired.

    11. If you have half an hour-ish: Clean your makeup brushes.

    12. If you have hours: Go out and get a new bag altogether.

    Chances are yours is pretty gross. This organizer folds up small but features a bunch of compartments and a hanger for easy on-the-go access. And when you're transferring your products to their new receptacle, think about whether you actually use them/want to lug them with you everywhere.

    13. If you have a few minutes: Wipe down the surfaces in your bathroom.

    14. If you have half an hour-ish: Demold-ify your tile without using bleach.

    15. If you have hours: Wash your shower curtain and liner to prevent mold from building up.

    16. If you have a few minutes: MacGyver a dedicated trash can for your car.

    17. If you have half an hour-ish: Clean the exterior of your car.

    18. If you have hours: Do a full-on interior cleanup job.

    Popular Mechanics has an awesomely in-depth tutorial for how to clean out any crevice, be it cloth or leather. And of course, you can always spring for a professional detailing — spring cleaning is as good a reason as any.

    19. If you have a few minutes: Make your bed.

    20. If you have half an hour-ish: Wash and whiten your pillows.

    21. If you have hours: Air out your mattress.

    22. If you have a few minutes: Clean your toilet (you can do it using nothing but dish soap and vinegar).

    23. If you have half an hour-ish: That same combo will work wonders on your tub.

    24. If you have hours: Hell, use it on everything.

    My Great Challenge cleaned her entire kitchen using the solution, and it works on floors and carpets as well. Meet your new miracle product (that won't irritate your eyes or throat).

    25. If you have a few minutes: Sanitize your sponges.

    26. If you have half an hour-ish: Make your trash can and recycling bin as good as new.

    27. If you have hours: Pour yourself a drink and see how much cleaning you can get done in one go.

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