19 Gifts Every Booze Lover Needs To Ask For This Year

    Besides, you know, booze.

    1. A champagne shotgun flute.

    2. A bathtub wine glass holder.

    3. Shot glasses made from Himalayan sea salt.

    4. A glass that opens beer bottles.

    5. Or a bottle-opening comb.

    6. A kit that lets you turn large fruit into kegs.

    7. A carry-on cocktail kit.

    8. Glasses that are either half-full or half-empty.

    9. This ingenious way to chill your beer in an instant.

    10. And this one that chills your wine.

    11. Wine glasses marked to play the major scale.

    12. Gold rim sugar.

    13. Mitten flasks.

    14. A bartending Swiss army knife.

    15. Magnetic bottle holders.

    16. A wine bottle combination lock.

    17. Wine for dogs???

    Don't worry, it's nonalcoholic.

    18. A bracelet flask.

    19. A wine-slash-martini glass.

    Because who has time for dishes when there's drinking to be done?