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21 Beauty Regrets That Happen To The Best Of Us

#tbt to my unibrowed, lip-linered, streaky-haired teenage self.

1. Cro-Magnon unibrows.

2. And then, at the other end of the spectrum, plucking/shaving/waxing them into nothing.

3. Applying makeup while drunk.

4. Highlights that turn out way too chunky.

5. False eyelashes that refuse to stay where they belong.

6. Trying one of those Pinterest eye looks with, like, 15 colors and realizing you look like a Crayola factory.

7. Bad ombre.

8. Going to a really cheap salon and getting what you paid for.

9. Smudgey horrible black eyeliner all around your entire eye socket.

10. Overly enthusiastic heat styling.

11. Overly enthusiastic tanning.

12. Wearing glitter that gets in your eye and feels like the world is ending.

13. Makeup that makes you look way older than you really are.

14. Contouring/highlighting gone awry.

15. Spider lashes.

16. Lip liner that doesn't match the rest of your mouth.

aaaaaaaaAAAAAAaaaaahhhhhhh x 2.

17. Waxing your 'stache and taking half your face skin along with it.

18. Buying waterproof eye makeup that refuses to budge no matter what you do.

19. And foundation that's totally the wrong color.

20. Trimming your own bangs, only they're uneven so you cut a little more, and then you have to straighten the other side, and then all of a sudden you are left with teensy forehead tufts that make you look like a Dr. Suess character.

21. Two words: Tooth. Lipstick.