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    21 Pairs Of Baby Shoes That Will Make Your Ovaries Explode

    Or your brovaries.

    1. As Hemingway once famously wrote, "For sale/baby shoes/OMFG give me all of them ahhh so cute."

    2. Like, how is it even possible that a human could be this tiny?

    3. How is "0" a size that feet can be?

    4. Babies can wear tiny boots.

    5. And weensy ballet flats.

    6. And the most miniscule slippers you can imagine.

    7. They can channel their inner fearsome beast.

    8. And their inner bunny.

    9. Babies are the only living creatures who can pull off Crocs.

    10. They can rock Vans.

    11. They even look good in Uggs.

    12. The baby who wears these will be hella athletic.

    13. This one will converse with flora and fauna.

    14. This one will twirl through the air with the greatest of ease.

    15. Hiii.

    16. Yes hello.

    17. Haha WHAT I can't even.

    18. They're.

    19. Just.

    20. So.

    21. Small.

    (Let's not even get started on socks.)