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20 People Who Knitted Their Way Through The Super Bowl

Handicrafts and sports are not mutually exclusive passions.

1. These happy crafters.

2. This inquisitive dog.

3. These partygoers.



6. This oblivious crocheter.

7. The creator of these stripey socks.

8. And these ombre ones.

9. And this who-even-knows-but-it's-amazing.

10. This good sport.

11. This not-so-good sport.

12. This goofy-face-maker.

13. This cozy stripe-knitter.

14. This big-dog owner.

15. This flu victim.

16. Not these haters.

Heather over here knitting durning the Super Bowl #Wtf #ThatShitIDontLike

Heather over here knitting durning the Super Bowl #Wtf #ThatShitIDontLike-- Kimber Massie


This woman is knitting at a Super Bowl party BAHAHAHAHA

This woman is knitting at a Super Bowl party BAHAHAHAHA-- Chris

18. These people who know how to live.

Knitting while watching the Super Bowl. #LivingTheLife

Knitting while watching the Super Bowl. #LivingTheLife-- Maria Pendleton


Yes, I am knitting at a Super Bowl party. Yes, my scarf will likely be done by the time the game is. #Superbowl #bored #bringbackbeyonce

Yes, I am knitting at a Super Bowl party. Yes, my scarf will likely be done by the time the game is. #Superbowl #bored #bringbackbeyonce-- Becca clarkson


Knitting and Beyonce are what makes the Super Bowl. Seriously.

Knitting and Beyonce are what makes the Super Bowl. Seriously.-- Annie Keel
