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19 Times Anthropologie Was Just Straight-Up Trolling

You want me to give you HOW MUCH of my money??? For THAT?

Here's the deal: Anthropologie is delightful.

I am currently wearing about three things purchased from there, and my apartment features even more of its painfully adorable doo-dads. The brand gives artists a platform to showcase their work and provides aesthetic pleasure to millions.

But that in no way excuses the following.

1. When it attempted to sell us this Frankenstein's monster.

2. And this $4,000 ping-pong table shaped like Easter Island.

3. When it suspended an army of teacups from the ceiling.

4. And a legion of brooms.

5. When it offered this $880 wasp comb made of glass.

6. And this "small neon wonky pot."

7. And this waterlogged tent.

8. When it saw fit to replace perfectly good clock hardware with feathers.

9. And when one clock WAS SIMPLY NOT ENOUGH.

10. When it sold these eerily lifelike woolen finger puppets, which originally retailed for $480.

11. Also: this creepy hat and stand that is the stuff of True Detective-inspired nightmares.

12. Can't forget this furry bench.

13. When it shoved this poor inanimate hedgehog full of pencils.

14. When it pioneered the $500 candy-Hydra.

15. When it declared that the single fireplace was so passé.

16. When it saw fit to sell this $800 nonfunctional blast from the past.


18. When this chair had an identity crisis.

19. And finally: when this teapot just could not.

h/t my mom for keeping an eye out for the most ridiculous stuff